The sun21 crew at the press conference after their arrival in New York (Beat von Scarpatetti, David Senn, Michel Thonney, Martin Vosseler, Mark Wüst, from the left)
Arrival in New York City
The mayor of Miami, Manuel A. Diaz, presents the crew the Keys to the City of Miami.
Arrival at Martinique.
The sun21 heading to Martinique.
On the way to the Canary Islands.
Due to a storm the sun21 sought refuge in the harbour of Casablanca (Morocco).


Mai 08, 2007: sun21 arrives in New York City

17°C / 63°F
Wind: 0km/h

The sun21 completes the first transatlantic crossing with a solar powered boat

sun21, the solar powered catamaran developed and sponsored by the Swiss transatlantic21 Association made its historic arrival into New York’s North Cove Marina at 3:00pm today. On this beautiful day the "sun21" crew was happy to have reached their final destination safely.
"sun21" serves as the shining example of clean energy applications in practice. Michel Thonney, skipper of the "sun21" put it like this: "I don't particularly like speeches but I would like to shout out to the world - use solar energy!"



I've just heard about your success this morning on DRS3 !

I’m very glad you’ve made it.

Bravo à Michel et félicitations à tout le team!


Knut Abrahamsen/

Well done !

Congratulations !


Am I missing something here? It appears that you took 90 days to do 7000miles which equates to 3.24 knots average.

As your route stayed close to the Northern Equatorial Current your speed over current drift was hardly earthshattering, now was it?

Streuli Gottfried, Schiffsführer, Basel:

Herzliche Gratulation zum erfolgreichen Abschluss Eurer Pionierfahrt mit dem Solarkatamaran!

Andreas Wiese:

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Euch alle, an die Besatzung und an das Team, das hinter der Unternehmung steht! Segelboote fahren seit Jahr und Tag natürlich auch mit bereits in Windenergie umgewandelter Solarenergie über den Atlantik. Ich aber finde es großartig, dass Ihr nun bewiesen habt, dass es auch mit dem Einsatz von Photovoltaik alleine geht! Das gibt allen Beführwortern der Photovoltaik zum Kampf gegen den Klimawandel sehr guten Auftrieb!

Übrigens fahre ich auch eine Segeljolle vom Typ Pirat, die beides kombiniert: Segelantrieb und eine kleine Photovoltaikanlage mit E-Motor für die Hafenmanöver. Diese Kombination bewährt sich seit sechs Jahren, bisher ohne jegliche Wartungsarbeiten! Und der Motor läuft immer an, auch in kritischen Situationen, was man von Verbrenneraussenbordern nicht immer sagen kann. Das wäre doch auch etwas für die Zukunft!

Nun feiert mal schön! Ihr habt es verdient!

Mit herzlichem Gruß

Andreas Wiese


kim young chul:

Congratulations !

Mike Klingler:

Damit ist bewiesen, die technische Entwicklung im solaren Bereich hat einen Standard erreicht, mit dem man mehr Anfangen kann.

Meinen Glückwunsch zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung.

Grüße aus Deutschland

Mike Klingler

Jacqueline und Ueli Halder:

Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Wir haben immer an euch und die Sonnenpower geglaubt. Hoffentlich habt ihr jetzt auch die letzten Zweifler überzeugt. Bis bald und guten Rest Jacqueline und Ueli

WWF/Adena en Canarias :

Felicidades a todos desde el otro lado del Atlantico.

Beatriz, Alexis, Trujillo y Klaus

Martin Frey:

Punktlandung! Um 21:10 Uhr deutsche Zeit sehe ich Euch per Webcam in NY einlaufen. Ist das die berühmte schweizer Perfektion? Die Zuverlässigkeit der Sonne? Schon vor sieben Monaten habt Ihr mir an Bord bei Mainz diesen Termin genannt. Respekt!!!

Brigitt, Daisy und Shahram:

Wir gratulieren von ganzem Herzen und freuen uns Euch bald wieder in Basel zu haben

maria streit basel:

BRAVO! BRAVO!BRAVO!Ganz herzlichreGratulation zu Eurer grossartigen, einmaligen Leistung. Möge sie auf der ganzen Welt Früchte tragen. MERCI MERCI! MERCI! Ich bin glücklich, dass Ihr alle gut in New York angekommen seid. Feiert schön und kommt gut nach Hause. Liebe Grüsse maria


hey mannnn! hammmmmer!!! ihr händ's voll gschafft!!! mir finde das super, genial, phenomenal, gigantisch, heldehaft oder hochkulturmässig usdruckt: eifach heroisch;)

dä skeptischi mensch wo au en itrag gmacht het und sich über d'gschwindigkeit luschtig macht söll mol überlege wie schnäll d'ärde rotiert: so schnäll das er's gar nid merkt und trotzdem isch d'bewegig sehr relevant. Also bitte!

Mir grüsse alli sehr härzlich&freue uns mit euch!



Great! This is first death for schweine from oil concerns! Congratulations !


I'm in awe of your accomplishment. I'm not particularly up-to-date on solar energy. But believe me, when I saw sun21 approach, Ms. Liberty in the background, you made my heartbeat skip for a few times. As a Swiss spectator I can only admire your devotion, skills and persistence. The Swiss rock!

BLAZE Alain:

Bravo à tous. Celà a été très courageux de votre part. C'est un grand pas pour l'humanité.Vive le soleil et le solaire.

A bientot.

Andrew(Dong-Wook) Lee:

Huge congratulations on the journey of Sun21!! It is just incredible to see that we are one-step closer to the world powered by 'truly-defined green energy.' All your effort and passion will be appreciated by our next generations!!

Toni Reichmuth:

Es wär so schön, wemmä jede Tag mit sonere guete Radiomeldig chönti ufwache.

"Bravooooo" rüef ich euch übers grosse Teichli zue! Und en herzliche Dank!


Malgré tous les problèmes, toutes mes félicitations à tous et bonne continuation. Jean

Cees Jol, Holland:



Sunpower is free.

valerio - salento/south-italy:

sunpower... this is my dream.. sun21... sunpower...

ETH Claudio Beretta:

Ein weiterer Meilenstein für die Energiewende ist geglückt - das Herz eines Umweltnaturwissenschafters tanzt vor Freude - Dankbarkeit strömt für all die Kräfte wie Ihr, die unmöglich Scheinendes möglich machen und den Weg zu einer erdverträglichen Lebensform weisen.

ETH Claudio Beretta:

Ein weiterer Meilenstein für die Energiewende ist geglückt - das Herz eines Umweltnaturwissenschafters tanzt vor Freude - Dankbarkeit strömt für all die Kräfte wie ihr, die unmöglich Scheinendes möglich machen und den Weg zu einem erdverträglichen Leben weisen. Danke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I see phenomenol fuel saving with solar arrays on the roofs of hybrid tractor trailers. But will the oil industry take this lying down? We'll see.

Mariane New from Maine:

I too am in total awe. Congratulations!!!

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Love, M

Fam. Braun:

Gratulation vo unserer syte, fyr dä erfolgryychi abschluss!!!

congratulations, for this exciting performance !!!

maja kiefer:

s´isch ä risigi freud, dass ir des g´schafft hän! für üs alli, für die schöni welt! vile dank un no vili grosartigi schtunde in n.y. un deno wider deheim in basel!

International Solar Energy Society - HQ Team:

We have been able to follow your travels accross the Atlantic thanks to your excellent website and regular updates.

Thank you for sharing this unique adventure with the world.

Congratulations to the team and all those involved.

10-05-2007 Freiburg

International Energy Society Headquarter Team

Heidi Vollenhals, Basel:

Ganz herzliche Gratulation für diese Leistung über den Atlantik! Es freut mich besonders, dass die ganze Welt sehen darf, was man mit Solarenergie erreichen kann!

Neusatzweg 1:

Lieber Beat und Crew

Herzliche Gratulation zum bestandenen Abenteuer.


To the crew -

May practical applications follow and may your adventures never end!

To those in the world who are listening -

I love wind sailing, but I also love sunsailing. For most people it is hard to imagine the feeling. Try it you will like it!

Sonja Portenier:

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die ganze Crew zur erfolreich bestandenen Herausforderung.

Georges Tremblay:

Bravo à vous tous!

Maintenant, vous faites partie de l'histoire!

Vous avez complété la phase "démonstration" et maintenant débute celle de "l'implantation".

On dit que... "Une idée ne fait pas son chemin en raison de son excellence, mais en raison des forces qui en font la promotion".

Mais vous n'êtes pas seuls. D'innombrables partenaires enthousiastes surgissent déjà de partout pour appuyer votre démarche.

Merci de nous donner espoir.

Linda Keiser Mardis:

Congratulations!! I LOVE all the New York pictures. You all look so handsome

in your "formal attire"! Martin, your American family is so proud of you!! We wish you continued success in all the you pursue.

Dinny Laufenboeck, Fiji Islands:

A belated message of sincere congratulations for your foresight, perseverance and skill. From all of us around the world who care so much for our environment, thankyou for carrying the sun torch so gallantly.

What next, now? We await your future plans with interest.


Wonderful you guys did it.

yes with many stops like here in Waitikubuli (Dominica) for 4 days where so many children learned about the potential of solar energy.

thank you

Gary J. Minnick (

Wonderful achievment. I only wish that you would beat my record of 11 days around Long Island in a Solar powered boat - Actually smash the record! Thus hurting our Long Island pride. Befor you know it you will have created the "Long Island Cup" for Solar powered boats from all over to try to get the record back. Could you do this for America? We reall need a kick in the butt and this will do it.

Great job!

Beat Tsigane-violin-crew member:

To Franca and Viola. Thanks too for this very special gratulation! It warms my heart. Even I was not quite sure qui de vous deux était sur le clavier. Its high time to see each other again, after six months. Vow, was that long.

Yours crazy dad.


Bravo et merci


Hartelijke gelukwensen vanuit Antwerpen !!!

Frrançois Le Roy:

I dreamed of it, they made it. Félicitations. Et ceci n'est que le début du photovoltaïque dont les progrès sont foudroyants. Dans 5 ans il suffira de projeter une fine pellicule sur des toles d'acier pour en faire des panneaux photovoltaïques à un coût très inférieur. aux panneaux de silicium que nous utilisons actuellement Alors commencera une ère nouvelle pour le photovoltaïque. Comme chantaient les Beatles : "Here comes the sun !"


A great proof of concept, that means so much, in so many of the energy needs on Earth and perhaps beyond. Thanks for your great contribution, and shattering preconceived ideas of what could and could not be done. Great.

Alan S. Davies:

Shine on....

Theo Schmidt:

Well done sun21, crew and all others involved! I am most impressed by the whole organisation and the goodwill created toward this great technology.

Michel Grandjean & Daniel Bagnaudé:

pour paraphraser le commentaire d'un autre exploit: un beau voyage pour l'homme, un grand pas pour l'humanité.

Toutes nos félicitations à toute l'équipe, et merci pour votre bravoure.

Martin Vosseler, crew sun21:

Before we enter the Atlantic again, this time on the cargo ship "London Senator", I would like to thank all of you, Alain, Beatriz - Alexis - José - Klaus, Brigitt - Daisy - Sharam, Claudio, Fitzroy, Franca - Viola, Jean, Linda, Maria, Marianne, Markus - Anni, Martin, Michel - Daniel, Jacqueline - Ueli, Gottfried Streuli, Theo, Toni, all of you who accompanied us with your thoughts and wishes. We are witnessing a groundswell that will turn the tide - your encouraging words, the sparkling eyes of children who saw our boat, Bill Clinton and the mayors of 40 big cities who announced an impressive energy efficiency plan here in N.Y. today. Thank you for the concrete steps that you take. Such a joy to see you again soon, Martin



wolfgang & gloria, laura, oleg:

Un enhora buena para este primer paso hacia un mundo con energias mejores y mas saludables. buen regreso a suiza. Esperamo veros todos pronto.

Un saludo cordial desde nuestro nuevo domicilio

wolfgang, gloria, laura y oleg


wolfgang, gloria, laura, oleg - ex-lanzarote:

felicidades y enhora buena y esperamos hasta muy pronto.

cordialmente desde suiza

wolfgang, gloria, laura y oleg

Very well.

I have the "Flytrain" it is a vehicule above to do 40 000 km no stop in the earth. but for the prototype I need 100 000 000 US$.

Marianne New, now in Thalwil.:

Dear Martin,

Thanks for your message. I wish you a safe crossing back, looking forward to seeing you soon!

Love, Marianne

Klaus Renoldner:


Dear Martin Vosseler!

I would like to invite you once again to Austria. I remember well your speech at the IPPNW - meeting in Salzburg, 20 years ago.

With best wishes


Jim Polk:

Having just learned of your voyage from an old "Time" magazine, and having learned from this website of your success, I want to offer my thanks and congratulations.

Your voyage is a tremendous gift to all humanity, and to future generations. Many thanks for realizing and demonstrating the capacity of sun powered travel in such an impressive and undeniable manner. Your vision and sucessful implementation make clear the reality of another alternative to carbon burning systems. Congratulations!

Just a Kid:

When can we get it? It's great! Will you be making them to sell; if so, when?

Leif G. Brisfjord:

Here are some more pictures and text from your arrival in New York

It was eciting and interesting!


How much will you take for it?

Rob Flemming:


(I burned more gas in my 24' sailboat in the last two years than I would have in a speed-boat going to the same places :( - It always seemed to become calm on Sunday when I had to get back for work! The displacement hull is much slower, so the motor ran for hours. I need a better solution; maybe you are making it happen)


Laszlo Szeker, Hungary:


A well communicated evidence of our posibilities in the present and future.


Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! yfhdvaoopxue

Multi Marine:

Try a sail, it would be a lot faster and wind is "solar power". It's just more concentrated than direct photo-voltaic. I congratulate the effort, but you shown how impractical the whole boat the skeptic barely exceeded drifting speed.


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manuela schwarz:

Ich bin sicher, dass auch das nächste Projekt, die Weltumsegelung mit Solarenergie gelingen wird. Gerne hätte ich Sie, Marc Wüest, bei uns im Rüttihubelbad als Kurs-/oder Vortragsreferenten. Dies wäre u.U. eine geeignete Plattform auch für Sie.

Dal Locke:

Congratulations and thank you so much for sharing all the information. My dream is to one day sail or solar motor the world when I retire. I have an electric bike (Crystalyte) that goes up to 36 mph for 35 miles with or without peddling. It is 48v 40amp with 4 12v 35AH batteries. I love it very much and can imagine how much fun having a boat like this would be also. GREAT JOB!!!!!!


Congratulations on the effort. Your skeptics make good points. The bottom line is you've demonstrated a concept. Nobody envisions supertankers powered by solar arrays, however, as solar power becomes more efficient, cost effective, and easier to apply with thin-film technology, it has a place in array of technologies available for propulsion - sails, solar, fossil fuel, nuclear power. How about a hybrid sailboat with thin-film solar cells incorporated into the sail...

Zdenek Butula:

It is super,it is new history

Ahoj Zdenek

Dear Sun21,

ammonia turbine:

I tink use two streamlined cowling heat exchanger as far as possible ship bilge or keel anoter heat exchanger use (awash) by water weight optimal

big heat difference need important and safety and reliability

use warm summer.

use twin system separation safety reason 4 heat exchanger 2 warm 2 cold.

use NH3 detector safety

use unopened close


I hope bigger power and stable to be dependent on undulation

system and use primal solar cells...

I hope successfully

to carry everything before one .

I hope to come world-wide fame special embassy targets

God send it may be so.

My thoughts are in a whirl .

This letter is only plan. How come?

i give you joy of it!

this is sun 22..

yours sincerely

Károly Nagy


Great Idea but one bad weather day on the ocean and you all die in that design of boat. A solar "SAIL" on top would rip off and the solar panels are gone, if not then you end up on your side then upside down. Cat designs are not for bad ocean travel either. I am building a mono hull solar that can SAFELY sail the world as a real production boat everyone can buy and use SAFELY BUT I THANK YOU FOR BRINGING MUCH NEEDED ATTENTION TO GREEN BOATING!!!!!!! THANK GOD you all were not killed thus had GREAT weather :-)

Capt. Mark Gray of Captain's Log Boating Safety TV Show



??? Typo or program ??? Cat designs are not for BAD WEATHER ocean travel either is how it should have read... Hummm old age :-)))

Capt. Mark Gray of Captain's Log Boating Safety TV Show



a c géniale








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A sailing boat can make the trip quicker, with a fraction of the technology, gain power from the wind 24/7, is much cheaper, and is completely green. What is the point of this?

Bob aka "deckofficer":

With the cost of new performance sails running $15K, and since China has entered the solar market, panels have dropped to $1.13 per watt, even though wind power is green, makes me think of solar instead. Then I could have a fully electric galley, no propane or gasoline because my dinghy is already electric.



We are planning to complete your Atlantic solar trip arround the world.....starting in Miami....Panama.... the Mediterraneo.....Spain......and then Basel.....I had the opportunity to meed the SUN 21 people at the arrival to Miami in 2007....apreciate if you can contact me and give us support.....regards.....vic