The sun21 crew at the press conference after their arrival in New York (Beat von Scarpatetti, David Senn, Michel Thonney, Martin Vosseler, Mark Wüst, from the left)
Arrival in New York City
The mayor of Miami, Manuel A. Diaz, presents the crew the Keys to the City of Miami.
Arrival at Martinique.
The sun21 heading to Martinique.
On the way to the Canary Islands.
Due to a storm the sun21 sought refuge in the harbour of Casablanca (Morocco).


Mär 04, 2007: The sun21 in top form

28°C / 82°F
Position:18° 27' N-66° 04' W
Wind: 27km/h

Our journey took us to San Juan, Puerto Rico. The "sun21" more and more unfolds its power potential. We often arrive with fully charged batteries at our stopover places.

Abundance of sunlight – the boat in optimal condition – no barnacles, cleaned solar panels: The "sun21" more and more unfolds its power potential. We float with an average speed of 6 knots ( 1 knot = 1 sea mile per hour: 1 sea mile corresponds to 1,852 km), and often the batteries are still full when we reach the harbor. Several times, we arrived quite early – between 3 and 4 PM – at our stopover places.

The stretch from Virgin-Gorda to Culebra – that means "grass snake" – was very scenic: We passed very close along smooth island hills covered with low forests, many of them without dwellings. Without stopping, we navigated through the bay of St. Thomas. Huge luxury liners were docked, the "Adventures of the Seas" (theirs or ours?) and the "SUN Princess" (dito). We spent the night anchoring in the silent mangrove lagoon of "Ensada Honda" of Culebra, maybe the last night in a silent natural paradise. In the dawn of he next day, we headed towards Puerto Rico, always having several bigger or very small islands in sight. It is evident: We are approaching the world and influence of the USA. The coast of Puerto Rico is marked by a lot of apartment blocks and skyscrapers. After long stretched suburbs, we finally discover the "Vieja Ciudad" of San Juan – a huge fortress hugging a variety of small houses in many colors clustered around the steep coast; besides, big yellow and white government buildings look well renovated and grandiose. Here are the numbers of our two docking places in the yacht harbor below the starting channel of the water aircrafts: 54 and 56 (we kindly got an king-size dock for our boat).

Position: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Weather: Sunny with showers
Wind: E
Temperature: 28°C (18°C in most of the restaurants)



so hoe it s going that s prety cool

Angelika Quade and friends:

"Was lange währt wird endlich gut"...

Ganz herzlichen Dank für 2 Mal liebe Post mit schönen Bildern und Buch.

Lieber Martin , sowohl ich (Ludwig) als auch interessierte 10.-Klässler "verfolgen" Euch. Weiterhin gute Fahrt - und hoffentlich ein Treffen mit Al Gore in N.Y.

Es ist schön, Eure Reise verfolgen zu können. Alles Gute weiterhin. Sabine

Ich wünsche3 weiterhin gute Reise und viel Erfolg. Ursula